The CDMP Designation, Explained
The CDMP Designation, Explained video sets out the leadership, opportunities, and impact that CDMPs can have, with their focus being to maintain employment for individuals living with a mental or physical impairment. They are specialized in effective early intervention, coordinating occupational rehabilitation, and guiding the process of returning an injured or disabled employee back into the workplace. They can be a great resource for HR and social workers as they apply a balanced and fair approach. They work with unions, employers, workers compensation boards, government departments and insurance providers in designing accessibility plans, meeting regulatory requirements, and instituting best practices. This 6-1/2 minute video also identifies some of the many varied career opportunities and financial stability that this profession provides for those having the CDMP designation.
CDMP - The Gold Standard for Disability Management Professionals
Development, testing and validation, in collaboration with employers, unions, workers compensation boards, and other relevant stakeholder groups, and incorporating key research findings from a major international study has led to now over 4,000 individuals carrying the CDMP designation in more than 22 countries. This growing global CDMP community is having a significant impact in reducing the socio-economic cost of mental and physical health impairments on individuals, their families, employers, and society at large. This short 10-minute video offers a snapshot of the value proposition associated with obtaining this coveted CDMP designation.
The Workplace Disability Management Assessment: An employer's guide to reducing costs and retaining valuable workers
Locally and globally, we are facing a massive social, economic and public policy problem when we allow simple obstacles to make places, services and opportunities inaccessible to persons with disabilities. In this 12-minute video, we uncover the power of the Workplace Disability Management Assessment as a tool for organizations to realize millions in cost savings while retaining valuable members of their workforce.
How NIDMAR is Making a Difference in Disability Management and Research
The National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), founded in 1994 is an internationally recognized organization committed to reducing the human, social and economic cost of disability to workers, employers and society through education, research, policy development and implementation resources to promote workplace based reintegration programs.
NIDMAR's primary focus is the promotion of education, professionalization, and program standards which international research has proven is the most effective way of restoring and maintaining workers' abilities, while reducing the costs of disability for workers, employers, government and insurance.
How NIDMAR is Building a Culture of Accommodation in the Workplace
The National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), founded in 1994, is an internationally recognized organization committed to reducing the human, social and economic costs of disability.
NIDMAR's primary focus is the promotion of education, professionalization, and program standards which international research has proven is the most effective way of restoring and maintaining workers' abilities, while reducing the costs of disability for workers, employers, government and insurance.
Building a Global Disability Management Footprint
NIDMAR celebrates 25 years – The vision of NIDMAR being an innovator, thought leader and catalyst for best practice outcomes in more effective Return to Work for disabled workers who acquire a mental or physical health impairment while employed and at risk of losing their attachment to the workforce was driven by a collective group of senior leaders from the employer, labour, provincial and federal governments, and workers compensation communities from across the country.
In the intervening 25 years, highlights of developments are as follows:
– Establishment of the Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) as a statutory, not-for-profit, post-secondary, degree granting education and research institution.
– Development, validation, and promotion of Occupational Standards and professional certification examinations in Return to Work and Disability Management, now adopted in 64 countries worldwide.
– Developed, tested and introduced a three-level consensus-based Return to Work / Disability Management program assessment protocol.
– Launched the International Forum on Disability Management, with IFDM 2002 hosted by NIDMAR in Vancouver with the support of key Ministers from around the world as well as employer, union, workers compensation and other stakeholder leaders – a biennial congress dedicated to profiling best RTW / DM practices, emerging research and innovative statutory developments.
The Final Step: The Case for Getting Disabled Workers Back on the Job
This 12-minute presentation focuses on the economic, social, and personal trauma experienced by Canadian workers who acquire disabilities.
Every 12 Seconds
This highly acclaimed 30-minute documentary underscores the human tragedy of work-related accidents.
It was June 1987 when a group of disabled forest industry workers, led by Wolfgang Zimmermann and supported by key leaders in the forest industry, unions, government and other stakeholders pulled together a production team and the financing to produce a powerful national documentary film entitled Every Twelve Seconds, so named because at the time, a disabling workplace injury occurred every 12 seconds in Canada.
Restoring Lives, Reducing Costs: A Global Initiative
To celebrate its tenth anniversary, NIDMAR put together this video, which goes back to the beginning when a group of employer, labour and government representatives made study tours of Germany and Australia to view the progress those countries had made with regard to disability management and return to work. With that background of knowledge and contacts made both nationally and internationally, NIDMAR opened its doors in 1994.
Between 1994 and 2004, the video encompasses the development of the continuing education program, the Occupational Standards for those working in the field, professional certification examinations to meet those standards, the creation of the audit / assessment protocol, the hosting of the first International Forum on Disability Management – IFDM 2002, and the creation and publication of the world's first Code of Practice for Disability Management.
The Challenge to Lead: The Rewards of Disability Management
This 20-minute video documents the growth of joint, workplace-based disability management programs across Canada. This proven return-to-work model for injured and disabled workers is meeting with growing support from labour, corporate, and government leaders.
A Better Way: Making a Case for Integrating Workers with Disabilities
A Better Way was developed as a promotional tool to introduce the benefits of disability management programs. The 14-minute video features interviews with important leaders from Canada's political, business, union, and insurance sectors discussing the importance of disability management and return to work efforts in light of our existing socioeconomic reality. NIDMAR's role in promoting improved education and providing unique resources to assist workplace-based disability management programs is recognized and one feature of the video is the important role of students graduating from the Disability Management Certificate Program.
Disability in the Workplace: Visions and Voices of the World
Disability in the Workplace takes you on a spirited journey of triumph - a triumph based on personal determination and the collective struggle of persons with disabilities in four countries. The video focuses on the abilities that disabled persons can offer to employers and shows how workplace barriers can be eliminated or minimized to ensure that they can participate in the labour market. Disability in the Workplace includes powerful testimonials by distinguished leaders from Australia, Canada, Germany and the U.S.