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Perspectives on Disability and Accommodation This publication, edited by Kelly Williams-Whitt, University of Lethbridge and Daphne Taras, University of Saskatchewan, is divided into three parts: Part I - Foundations of the Duty to Accommodate: Perspectives from the Legal Profession; Part II - Practicing Disability Accommodation: Perspectives from the Workplace; and Part III - Accommodation Partners: Perspectives from Outside the Employment Relationship Price: $30 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Disability Management Success: A Global Corporate Perspective The objective of this publication is to provide a global overview of disability and disability management in the first decade of the 21st century; to provide awareness for the need and value of an effective workplace-based DM program so that companies can successfully compete in the exploding global economy; and to present two different case studies of global organizations that exemplify what it takes to implement an effective, comprehensive program and how this investment can pay off. Price: $25 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Succès de la gestion de l'incapacité: une perspective globale La présente publication poursuit deux objectifs : 1) offrir une vue d’ensemble de l’incapacité et de la gestion de l’incapacité au travail en cette première décennie du 21e siècle de façon à disposer d’éléments permettant de comprendre la nécessité et la valeur d’un programme efficace de gestion de l’incapacité en milieu de travail pour les entreprises qui veulent demeurer concurrentielles dans le contexte de la mondialisation; 2) présenter deux études de cas assez différentes de grandes entreprises qui illustrent ce qu’il faut faire pour mettre en œuvre un programme complet et qui montrent ce que peut rapporter un tel programme. Price: $25 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Code of Practice for Disability Management, 2nd edition The Code of Practice was designed to provide a framework within which employers, unions, legislators, insurers and providers can work together for successful disability management outcomes. The second edition of the Code was created specifically to integrate Canada’s legislative framework, include significant international developments, and integrate new successful practices. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Code de pratique sur la gestion de l'incapacité au travail, 2e édition Le Code de pratique se veut un cadre de travail permettant d’unir les efforts des employeurs, des syndicats, des législateurs, des assureurs et des prestateurs de services en vue d’assurer le succès de la gestion de l’incapacité au travail. Cette deuxième édition du Code a été rédigée pour intégrer le cadre législatif canadien, les principaux développements au plan international ainsi que les nouvelles pratiques qui ont démontré leur efficacité. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Challenges in Disability Management: A Resource Manual for Return to Work Practitioners This manual is designed to assist return to work practitioners with some of their more challenging tasks. It is divided into two parts: the first describes some disabling conditions that present particular challenges and the second part discusses approaches to handling some challenging areas of practice related to many workers or to particular work settings. Price: $35 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Les défis de la gestion de l’incapacité : une ressource pour les praticiens du retour au travail Ce manuel a été conçu pour assister le coordonnateur du retour au travail dans l’exécution des tâches les plus exigeantes qui lui sont confiées. Il se divise en deux parties. Dans la première partie, il est question de certaines affections incapacitantes qui présentent des défis particuliers pour le coordonnateur du retour au travail. Dans la deuxième partie, on présente des méthodes pour aborder certains domaines de pratique plus délicats liés à la présence d’un grand nombre de travailleurs ou à la singularité des installations de travail. Price: $35 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Disability Management in the Workplace: A Guide to Establishing a Joint Workplace Program A manual that provides background information regarding the benefits of disability management and return to work and also the "how to" for those wishing to establish a workplace-based disability management program. Price: $35 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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La gestion de l'incapacité au travail : Guide pour l'établissment d'un programme conjoint en milieu de travail Une " marche à suivre" destinée à toutes les personnes intéressées à mettre en place un programme de gestion de l’incapacité au travail. Price: $35 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Code of Practice for Disability Management: Describing Effective Benchmarks for the Creation of Workplace-Based Disability Management Programs Designed to provide a framework within which employers, unions, legislators, insurers and providers can work together to support return to work for workers with disabilities, the Code of Practice offers guidelines, criteria and benchmarks for the development of effective workplace disability management programs. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Code de Pratiques sur la Gestion de l'Incapacité au Travail: Modèles pour la création de programmes de gestion de l’incapacité en milieu de travail Ce document se veut un cadre de travail qui permet aux employeurs, aux syndicats, aux législateurs, aux assureurs et aux prestateurs de soins de santé de travailler ensemble pour favoriser le retour au travail des travailleurs atteints d'incapacité. Le document présente des lignes directrices, des normes et des repères pouvant aider à l'élaboration de programmes efficaces de gestion de l'incapacité au travail. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Occupational Standards in Disability Management : Establishing Criteria for Excellence In Canada Canada’s first consensus-based National Occupational Standards in Disability Management, this publication outlines the rationale for setting the standards, the development process, the standards themselves and essential skills profiles for two vital new roles for disability management professionals – Certified Return to Work Coordinators and Certified Disability Management Professionals. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Normes Professionelles en Gestion de L'Incapacité au Travail : Élaboration de critères d’excellence au Canada Dans la présent brochure, on traite du fondement de l’établissement des normes, du processus d’élaboration, des normes elles-mêmes et des compétences fondamentales relatives au rôle essentiel de deux nouvelles professions dans le domaine de la gestion de l’incapacité au travail. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Occupational Standards In Disability Management: Executive Summary This booklet summarizes the rationale for setting standards, the developmental process, the standards themselves, as well as a brief overview of essential skills profiles for two vital new roles for disability management professionals – Certified Return to Work Coordinators and Certified Disability Management Professionals. Price: $5 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Strategies For Success: Disability Management in the Workplace A unique compilation of Canadian and international perspectives on disability management. Contributing writers present detailed descriptions of successful programs and discuss current topics of interest to Canadian and international participants in disability management programs. Price: $25 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Year 2000 National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management: Recognizing Best Practices A profile of the winners and finalists of the inaugural National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management recognizing the outstanding achievements of organizations and individuals who have championed disability management and demonstrated measurable, positive outcomes for all stakeholders: workers, employers, unions, governments and society. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Industrial Disability Managment: An Effective Economic and Human Resource Strategy Describes the fundamental elements of an effective workplace-based disability management program and highlights strategies for establishing such a program in union or non-unionized settings. Price: $20 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Effective Re-Integration Strategies for the '90s: The Role of Employers, Union, Government, and Consumers in Partnership A summary of the results of an international study tour of Germany's rehabilitation framework. Price: $20 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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The Close-Up on Disability Costs in Canada's Pulp and Paper Industry: Measuring Select Costs and Identifying Potential Solutions for Workers and Employers This study spotlights the direct and indirect costs to workers, employers and society of workplace disability. Price: $20 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Gros Plan sur Les Coûts de L'Incapacité au Travail dans L’Industrie Canadienne das Pâtes et Papiers : Évaluation des coûts présentation de solutions pour les travailleurs et les employeurs Cette recherche met en lumière les coûts directs et indirects liés à l’incapacité au travail pour les travailleurs, les employeurs et la société. Price: $20 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Disability Management Program Graduates: Making a Difference in the Workplace A comprehensive analysis of the impact of disability management programs and the National Institute's education program. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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The Effects of Disability on BC's Economy A statistical analysis of the impact of disability on individuals, corporations and the economy of BC, commissioned by the National Institute and carried out by the respected Roeher Institute. Price: $20 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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The Impact of Disability Management Programs on Employers and Employees: A Canadian Perspective This report is the result of an indepth look at some existing disability management programs undertaken by a graduate student from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, who chose to study disability management principles for her thesis. Price: $20 Add this item to my Shopping Cart
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Best Practices Case Study: Implementing a Disability Management Program in Industry A practical guide for companies and unions that wish to pursue a joint labour/management approach to disability management. Price: $15 Add this item to my Shopping Cart